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Educational Ringing Group – Millbrook Ringers

January 21   |   6:00 pm

January 21-March 25

Led by director David Harris, the groups rehearse at Raleigh Ringer Central in Raleigh, North Carolina. The 10-session semester culminates with a brief sharing concert on March 25.

The Millbrook Ringers

This intermediate/advanced group focuses on musicality and exploring unique handbell repertoire (playing level 3-5 music).

Rehearsals: Tuesday evenings, 6-7:30 pm

Requirements: Must be able to read music at (handbell) level 4; ringers should be properly skilled in ringing accidentals, techniques, rhythms, meter changes, damping, and ringing stroke. A reference is required.

Attendance: Ringers should make every effort to attend all sessions. Attendance at the sharing concert on March 25 is required.

Cost: $80 per person


Raleigh Ringer Central

2200 E Millbrook Road
Raleigh, 27604

Map: + Google Map
