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Capital Area Handbell Festival

November 8   |   9:00 am

November 8, 2025

North Carolina State Fairgrounds  |  Raleigh, NC | 9 AM-5 PM

Join hundreds of other ringers to work with Hart Morris at the Capital Area Handbell Festival. Massed pieces (plus an optional piece) will be rehearsed in preparation of a concert at the end of the day. In addition to the massed ringing, choirs may choose to perform a solo. Registration includes lunch and a lunchtime concert by The Raleigh Ringers. Saturday’s activities begin with a downbeat at 9:00 am and conclude with a free massed choir concert at 4:00 pm.

Registration and repertoire will be announced soon!


North Carolina Fairgrounds – Kerr Scott Building

4285 Trinity Road
Raleigh, 27607

Map: + Google Map
